How to use ThriveCart query string

by Dave | thrivecart

Thrive cart query string.

In this video we’re going to cover how to use thrive cart customer information on your site that can be sent over, and to do so you’re going to make the assumption that your thank you page is on a WordPress site and we’re gonna want to use the URL parameter plugin however we need to make some modification so the link at the bottom is exactly what you need after you install the URL parameter plugin.

So let’s dive right in. First things first, inside your thrive cart account, you can actually exclude the personal identifiable information from being sent over to query string. If you do that what I’m about to show you won’t work but let’s make sure we understand how it works. So under legal and compliance, you want to click on view you want to click on exclude pie in my case I’m not excluding it.

So if I take this box I can select what countries are all countries are only countries within the EU and I can also specify all products or certain particular products. So I am not going to turn this on because I don’t want to exclude it.

Now you’re going to want to download and install the URL parameter plugin. And then we’ll make some modifications to it so that it works the way we want. And to do so you’re going to want to come over to this link here which should be somewhere readily available. Copy this code starting from the top all the way to the bottom. And just for reference, let me show you what’s been added this line here and then this function right here has been added. But really the the work is being done right here. So the information sent over in the query string. It’s the thrive cart customer email, first name, last name is being returned. There’s other pieces of information that you could add to this but those are the basics.

And then for instance on your thank you page that you’re going to send a customer to you’re going to want to add this to display for instance first name, this is last name and this is email and notice I’m in text mode when I’m doing this this is a little more challenging to do with page builder type themes, and so the plugin is right here so you go to Plugins editor, find the URL parameters and then replace what’s in there with what I just showed you.

So let’s go ahead and make a purchase, I’m going to go into here and I want to make sure I’m sending it to the right location so if I go to fulfillment. This is a success URL, that’s the WP thank you page there’s the WP thank you page with the thrive cart information embedded, and let’s make sure the customized is set to redirect to your custom page.

I’m going to do a test transaction, and notice the query strings up here and we’re printing out the first name last name and email address.

So that’s how you use the thrive cart queries dream to display content on your site.