ActiveMember360 Login automation

by Dave | activemember360

ActiveMember360 login automation.

In this video, we’re going to create a login automation in Active Campaign for active member 360 that’s going to handle the situation when a passwords not generated almost immediate or not at all. And to do so we’re going to use the mbr_genpass function that after number 360 provide. So let’s dive right in.

So inside your Active Campaign account, you’re gonna want to create an automation I’ve got one called send login information and ideally, you’re simply sending out an email with the password. Unfortunately some times passwords aren’t generated automatically or something isn’t working properly or the internet blows up something like that and you want to be able to handle that scenario gracefully.

So first thing I want to do is actually make sure that the contact is added to the WordPress site properly with the appropriate tags and all that good stuff. So to do so, I’m going to take you, I’m going to use the mbr_genpass function function.

They give you an example of what you want to look for. This is what your URL or web hook is going to look for. So I’m just going to copy that for now I’m going to go back into here. And first thing I’m going to do here is web book. And I’m just going to paste that in for now but we’ll come back in just a minute to modify that.

Now if you notice there’s a security code that needs to be used. So inside your WordPress site under active member 360, we want to go to plugin options, security options and then you want to create a security code, so go ahead and click Add. Doesn’t matter what it is, I would not recommend 12345 but if you do, oh well.

So we have that information. So I can now go back into here and I’m going to replace the part that says one of your security code. So I’m going to go ahead and do that with 12345. And I’m not going to use the ampersand T ID equals whatever those are ID numbers.

Instead, I want to use this option auto register equal to Yes, I want to make sure the user gets created inside WordPress. I’m going to go here to the end and change that to a WHY. So it’s my website, mbr_genpass equals 12345 and auto registry. Yes, and I really should grab the URL right here and do that.

So that’s the first part. Now that should take care of adding user giving them a password, all that good stuff. There’s a custom field called password that we’re going to have populated with the password that gets created now.

Next thing is ideally, we just send an email. But in case something goes wrong, I want to put a condition in here that checks to make sure that the person has their password before we send them. So let’s go ahead and do this and go to wait until specific conditions are met.

And it’s going to be under custom contact fields and we want to use password. Where are you? There it is. And here’s the biggie, make sure it’s greater than and then leave this empty so in other words, it’s not empty.

So that’s kind of an important part there is that you make sure that password is greater than empty. In other words, it’s not empty. So go ahead and save that. Now we want to put a time limit a very short time limit.

And I’m going to say up to the minimum which happens to be five minutes, so this could pass through immediately if the password set or could wait up to five minutes. So after five minutes, we won’t do it if checked.

And we’re going to go back to custom fields, we’re going to look for password. Where are you? there it is, is greater than. So no matter what we’re going to wait after five minutes we’re going to pass through and will check again. If it’s greater than perfect send an email we’re going to send an email here I’m going to create a new one called login.

And I’m going to skip creating it but I should include the custom fields for password and also the placeholder for email and I am going to actually let’s just do it real quick.

Pretty basic email, but something along those lines where you’ve got the URL, the placeholder for email and placeholder for the password and you’re right I’m not going to send from you know. So that’s assuming the best case now this can happen almost immediately where this happens they pass through here immediately yep the password set and you send off an email.

Perfect. Now the other scenario is after five minutes, it might not be right. So my recommendation is to one notify someone and in this case, I would notify myself or notify a team member and say, ready to tell me who that person is. And then since you’re here, you might as well send an email. It says sorry, something to the effect your login details.

That’s it. You’ve covered all the different scenarios that can happen gracefully. And in a perfect world that nobody would go down the no path. But in this case if for whatever reason the password doesn’t get set, you notify somebody for them to deal with it.

And then secondly, at least send them an email within that five minutes it says sorry, your, should it should say something effect that login details are coming soon. So in a perfect world somebody gets put into here this web hook updates their record with a password they put into WordPress if they’re not already there.

And then we wait for up to five minutes but if they already have the password set they pass right through and they will pass this check they get their login email if that’s not the case after five minutes notify somebody to fix it and then send them a login details coming soon email.

That’s how we build the login automation for ActiveMember360.