ActiveMember360 Excerpts

by Dave | activemember360

ActiveMember360 Excerpts.

In this video we’re going to cover what ActiveMember360 can provide for excerpts, especially as it relates to memberships. So let’s dive right in.

Before we continue, I want to mention that we have a free masterclass that goes into the details of how to create a membership site so you can start selling your online courses in an afternoon, just go to

Inside your WordPress account, you want to go to ActiveMember360 plugin options, scroll down to excerpts and you’ve got a few options here. Do you want to force them at all times Yes or no? And then this is probably the most underrated or unobserved feature is the blur effects for excerpts.

If you say yes, what you can do is change. You can have a gradient of color where it starts to finish and I’ll be honest, I have not used it but the idea is you start at one color and you fade to the other. So you might look like start from black, all the white or all the white to black.

And as an example, usually most newspaper sites that are charging for accessing their site after a certain number of views will have like a blur occur. And I’m just going to start clicking example feeling the Wall Street Journal is going to do something like that.

They might let you read one or two, but there it is right there. Notice how that fade. So it’s kind of an excerpt right here, but it fades from black font to grey. And if I want to read the whole thing, they want me to subscribe.

So on your WordPress site, you can effectively accomplish that using the excerpt blur capability that ActiveMember360 has provided. That’s it, I mean, that’s that’s kind of a cool feature, especially if you’re setting up a membership site that’s standalone, not using Learning Management set system and you kind of want to tease people on what’s available.

That’s the ActiveMember360 Excerpts go to to get the details on how to create a membership site and start selling your online courses in an afternoon.