ActiveCampaign Lead Reporting

by Dave | activecampaign

Active Campaign lead reporting.

So this question came up today on Facebook. It was, you know, I’d like to someone who’s wondering how can I send a weekly leads report to my clients, couldn’t figure out how to do it with Active Campaign needed with Infusionsoft. So salesforce Zapier, my solution doesn’t use any of those other than the email in this case, for instance, Active Campaign combined with a web script on your web server. So it’s a little more complex than most type of integration, things you would do with your email. So here’s what I suggested.

So first off, had to make an assumption, the assumption is that leads are being delivered to the client automatically. So if somebody if a lead signs up through a web form, it automatically gets pushed towards the client, this can either be set up in their own Active Campaign account, or it could be like in your enterprise Active Campaign account, and you’re running a web form on their behalf half. Now the biggie is, as soon as that happens, you also need to use the web hook capability inside Active Campaign to send that information over to your web server.

Now, you’re going to have another script on your web server that catches that information and puts it into a database, it’s also going to timestamp it so that when once a week, another script or their web servers going to run, and it’s going to look back the last seven days, or from, you know, Sunday, Monday through Sunday, and generate a report. And it might be like the total number of subscribers. And last day, the average number of subscribers per day, maybe compared to the previous week, maybe also show month to date versus last month type thing.

And then so some informations gets generated, and then that script will send that information back to the clients record in Active Campaign. And you’ll have a custom field there without information gets put into. Now, whenever that custom field gets updated, it’s going to trigger an automation that sends a weekly email. I know, there’s a lot of words right there. But honestly, the concept is simple. And really, this stuff on the Active Campaign side is very simple to automation, a little more complex on your web server, somebody needs to know how to catch the information and put it into a database, run a script once a week automatically, and then up, send it back to Active Campaign. But the beauty is, once it’s set up, it runs automatically. You could also have rules in there that you know, it doesn’t run if there’s no new information for the week, that kind of thing.

So let’s dive right in, inside your Active Campaign account. There’s really just to automation for a client, you’re going to want to use one, let’s just call it lead delivery dash client, whatever client A. And you’ll have a forms setup so that you collect all all the information you want. And then you notify the client of the of the new lead that’s easy, right contacts, and it’s a form notify a client, Easy peasy follow, then what you do is you want to use the web hook capability shown here in the purple color. And you want to send the information to your web server, their web server to a script this case, it’s called web hook dot php. And you probably want to send some identifying information, for instance, email equals and then whenever the clients email, and then also put that in the database along with the lead information. So that way you can identify who this is for.

So that’s one automation, it just runs automatically all the time. Anytime somebody submits a specific form that’s related to that particular client, it’s going to notify them and then also send the information to script on the server. Now, not going into details on that, that definitely gets complicated. But the idea is it catches the information puts it into a database. That’s it, nothing fancy.

Also timestamps it so it’s clear when this person was added. And then you’re gonna have another script on your web server that runs once a week, or how often you want it and it will generate a report for the contacts were added, like in the last week update a custom field and Active Campaign as an example, I’m going to create a custom field and I’m gonna go to I believe its forms, manage fields, new custom field, and I definitely want to do text area. So it allows for multiple fields, I’m going to call it lead report, go ahead and add that. And right, there it is. And I’ll show you what it looks like no default value, this is the personalization tag, I don’t really care about having visible on all forms. So that’s don’t want that there. This I probably apply it to all lists, especially if I’m maintaining list for different clients, I’d want to use that go ahead and save that.

So that’s the custom field we’re going to use to generate a report or display or report inside an email. And then here would be the automation that would run when the custom fields updated. So this would be triggered when a field changes, so lead report changes ever so you definitely want we don’t want to just wait we want every single time. This occurs and then we’re going to do that as the start.

So that’s kind of the key to get this thing to fires to make sure whenever a field change occurs from the lead report field, we get it into this automation and then we’re simply sending an email that’s it inside that email you’re going to want to have the personalization lead report tag put in there so that just pushes all the information that was generated by your web script into here so you can say hey we can we read weekly lead report for you and here’s the information and that’s what you would end up doing the concept of simple the setup on some on the Active Campaign side is relatively straightforward.

That’s how you do lead reporting automatically inactive campaign.