ActiveCampaign Important Automation

by Dave | activecampaign

Active Campaign most important automation. And when I say most important automation, I mean an automation that’s designed to get people to do something specifically. Typically, it’s to buy something you’re offering. Now, this automation, when you put them in, you want to apply it Do Not Disturb tag. And inside there, you’re going to do an email, a wait, email, wait cycle over and over for as many emails as you have. Near the bottom you’ll gonna have a customer goal so that they get pulled out of this automation if they become a customer. And then finally, remove the Do Not Disturb tag. So let’s dive right in.

Inside your Active Campaign account, you’re going to want to create an automation and call the most important automation, the trigger is going to be a page visit. So you’re gonna want to specify which page on the domain it can be a wild card. But typically, let’s say it’s Checkout, you could put a star at the end which would allow you to capture query string variable, but something like that, typically, I recommend running it once, they don’t need to see this sequence of emails over and over again.

So that’ll be your start. And then the first thing we want to do is we’re going to want to apply a tag called Do Not Disturb, and then from here we’re going to send an email, wait for a certain amount of time, and then we’ll repeat this over and over as many times as we have an email for but in this case I’m only going to do at once I am going to put a goal down here and it’s going to be customer and typically when somebody becomes a customer they get a tag applied so I’m going to go look for a specific, a specific tag, and lot of times product name, so it might be membership, so if anytime during this campaign and we want to just to continue on, if anytime during this campaign, especially if they’re getting multiple emails they make a purchase they get tagged as a customer I no longer want to send them any more emails and then right after that we want to remove the Do Not Disturb tag, and then we’ll end the automation.

So again person who gets put into here when they visit a particular page we had a Do Not Disturb peg we send them a series of emails followed by a wait in between each Gmail have a goal at the bottom which says if they become a customer pull them out and then we removed the Do Not Disturb tag and in this automation. That’s how we set up a most important automation in Active Campaign.