by Dave | activecampaign
Active Campaign core automation.
In this video I’m going to talk about what I think are core automation is you want to have in your Active Campaign account. And this could be actually any kind of email marketing software service like Infusionsoft ontraport, HubSpot, whatever, these to me are kind of the basics the ones you need to have., and if you had to only have a few, these are what I would choose. I’m going to also show show some non core automation that are useful, but honestly, you need to have these first than those later. And, the first one is what I call like the welcome automation.
Also onboarding, kind of letting people know what the next step is notification mini survey and what I mean is if somebody for instance, signs up to your email list, you want to let them know what’s going on what they can expect, especially if they asked for signed up for something very specific. Tell them what the next step are and maybe even notify you or somebody to do something. So for instance, typically when somebody makes a purchase for me, I will get a notification at ATM the next morning my time and oftentimes I use that as a way to to make a personal video to send them to say thank you. So they made a purchase within the last 24 hours at 8am the next day I’m going to get a notification sometimes just pull out the phone, make an unlisted video, put it on YouTube and then send them the link which basically says thank you.
Also like a mini survey. A lot of times it’s I like to put in a welcome email that’s also asked a question usually just one question with either two answers, three answers something like that. It’s not as simple as Are you a man or woman but something related to whatever it is I’m offering. For instance, do they use Active Campaign do they use Infusionsoft. Something like that, just enough to get them to do something to interact with my emails. And you might include, you know, confirmation in this in this part of the setup is just getting people to confirm their interest in what they signed up for.
So that’s like the very first one, second one is nurturing. And this is where they’re getting what they asked for. and education is coming along more information, whatever is appropriate to what they signed up for over time. So you might just be sending out emails about whatever the subject matter is, you know, one per day for seven days or 30 days or something like that. Pretty basic. Now that bring that up because the next one is what I call choose your own adventure. Let people decide the information they get. And I usually like to do that based on their behavior. Are they clicking the link in an email? Are they visiting certain pages on my website? If they are and I have content for that in the form of an email, I want to interrupt the nurturing automation and let them go off on their own adventure into another automation related to what they’re interested. A good example that’s been implemented number of times and this is nothing new. I’m not making up something are shattering. This has been done by others. But it does have an impact on your business is if somebody visits the checkout page they don’t buy, they don’t even have to enter their email address because you know, we’ll have installed tracking on their site will know that they visited and will also know that they’re not a customer.
So send more information about that give them something to dig into about it so that if they want they can go back and then they will buy and then last one is hygiene kind of list hygiene. People that are becoming inactive you know, you want to follow up with them. Give them another chance you know and you should have a nation say should I’m going to suggest that you have some kind of automation that someone gets put into right away and they get pulled out of it if they interact with your email so as soon as they open an Email Click Link they get taken right out but they then get put right back in and then every 30 60 90 days you add a tag that says 30 days no activity 60 days no activity 90 days no activity and if they make it to like the last 90 day inactivity it’s then it’s time to send out some emails hey what’s going on are you interested and if you don’t get a reply if they don’t get pulled out and put back into that hygiene automation get them off your list you’re not doing anybody a service you’re paying more money because you’re keeping a subscriber on your list that’s not interested based on their behavior on what you have to offer.
Secondly, it isn’t good for your deliver ability. And if your deliver ability isn’t good, you’re just that’s going to impact your whole list. And it’s just kind of a good practice to keep people who are not interested off of your emails. Now, you can get fancy in your emails, and at the bottom, say, have a link that says click here. If you only want to receive emails once a week, once a month, assuming you’re sending emails more frequently. And from there, you can tag people as you know, interested but not as frequent and then send out emails based on their preference that kind of goes back to choose your own adventure. So those to me are kind of the biggies, you know, welcome them on board them, tell them what’s coming up, maybe notify yourself or somebody do a mini survey and I do mean mini just like a one click thing. That’s it. No stress, a larger nurturing sequence. But more importantly, people can go off on their own adventure to do whatever it is.
They want or get more information about certain things while being paused, and the nurturing sequence. And then on the hygiene side, making sure people are still interested in what you have to say. So those are, to me, the core automation. And I was just looking through some of the non core automation. I love all these. I think these are good, but honestly, they’re not critical to what you’re doing with your email. You can build Facebook custom audiences. And the reason I like to do that through Active Campaign is that I know for certain that this person is a customer because the way I’ve got it set up the somebody buy something they get put into my email system, they get a tag that’s appropriate to whatever the product is, yes, I realized there’s a pixel out there that will track people’s conversion, but I know for certain this works, sometimes I’m not nearly as confident is that pixel firing properly. Maybe that’s just me being paranoid, but that’s one thing you can do.
Webinar reminders is another one, you could let your webinar system do that. And it works. You could also do it in your email system little more challenging because the reminders need to be sent out relative to the start date. So if somebody signs up for a webinar a week in advance, they might get five emails, somebody signs up an, excuse me an hour before a webinar, they might only get one so you need to set up an automation that handles those different scenarios.
And other non core automation is the backup once somebody joins your list you automatically back them up to a website on your server database on your server that’s usually done via a web hook to a custom script. I know you know this is your asset you want to back it up sure you should trust it’s going to always be there on Active Campaign but verify make sure you’ve got a backup of it somewhere customer lifetime value you know that’s based on somebody’s making a purchase increase the value of their lifetime value in a custom field inside Active Campaign makes it easy to identify who spent the most money over time spent the most money I’m survey automation love these and you can keep them really simple simply by changing together different web forms.
I mean it’s kind of cheating. In a way. What I’m saying is set up a web form and have a custom field. The question says, you know, whatever it is drop down menu, radio buttons, select, they click Submit, they go to the next one, which just coincidentally happens to be another web form. You can hide their email and pass it along to the next form if you want. But that’s kind of an easy way to do an automation survey using an automation and then along the same lines, lead scoring, you know, have some kind of scoring system in place that if somebody does something they open an email click a link make a purchase you add or you subtract points over time yes Active Campaign does have their own built in version. I like mine a little bit better. I can customize the scenario for instance takeaway points over time if somebody doesn’t do something doesn’t open an email subtract points every time they open add points every time they click add more points, that type of stuff.
Now their automation is you know, keeping track of sales by email in an automation kind of important in my opinion to know you know where your sales are coming from where your focus should be on what’s working what’s not another one not mine originally our scoring so the idea is you want to send emails when people actually open them and you can base that on email open rates or when they click on a link to click on the link is better in my opinion usually I like to set up the our scoring so that it’s based on opens rates, So that I can get everybody in, in the database scored by our.
So if I open an email at 12pm and I, I can, I can note that and then going forward, I can put them through an automation so that the next time I send out an email, it goes out at 12pm, not 12:04, not 12:05, not 12:15, but on the top of the hour, so at least it’s close to when they last opened. So it’s a cool one and other ones like automatic content upgrades delivery. So for instance, on my website, I’ve got different content upgrades based on the page that people sign up that can be automated, you can deliver unique content based on the page they sign up.
Now the ones like you to UTM track when somebody joins your list. You can pull out the UTM variables from the query string push it into active campaigns that you know where somebody is came from. Now, they may have done this more than once and we you can handle that by having basically 2 UTM custom fields inside Active Campaign one for the first occurrence and one for the most recent occurrence and that way we’ve got a pretty good idea of how people are joining us and yes of course you can then go look in Google Analytics to look at this but you could also for instance say I want to know all the people that have you UTM source equal to whatever and then you can send a custom message to them.
So that’s that’s my thoughts on Active Campaign and kind of some core automation you’ll want to use in yours.