ActiveCampaign Choose Your Own Adventure

by Dave | activecampaign

Active Campaign choose your own adventure. Now this is for your contacts to have an experience that’s based on their behavior and to accomplish this, one thing you will want to do is install Active Campaign track. So let’s go ahead and dive right in.

Inside your Active Campaign account, you might typically add somebody to an automation that sends in an email day after day after day after day is kind of an indoctrination into your system when they sign up. And that’s a good start. But you can do a little bit better. One thing to do is, when you put them into an automation like this is check, do they have a tag called Do Not Disturb. And I’ll explain that shortly. If they don’t have that tag continue on. First thing after that we do is we apply a Do Not Disturb tag with the name of the automation, in this case, do not disturb demo. And then we send an email, we wait a day and then we come back. And then again, we check Do they have a Do Not Disturb peg, as long as they don’t have that they move on. And typically, we set this up with no time limit. So in theory, they could be at that one step forever. If they continue to have a Do not disturb but the ideas, we want to stop giving them this automation if they have this tag applied, which means they are in another automation and then we repeat, send the second email wait a day, check for the Do Not Disturb very last thing we do is remove the Do Not Disturb demo tag, which is the name of this automation. And then we end the automation.

So the other automation is going to be based on of link click from the very first email. And then you can do the same thing for email 2 etc. for whatever based on their behavior in this case, their behavior is they click a link in this email from that first automation we looked at. Now, as soon as they’ve done that we check Do they have the Do Not Disturb tag already, if they do, that means they’re in another automation. So we don’t want to pile on all the automation and overwhelmed so we just skip to the bottom and exit out of this, we could put a delay in there or not. I’m just skipping over. But if they don’t have the tag, we add the Do Not Disturb tag is a way to prevent them from moving through other automation. We send out an email, wait a day, etc. You can send out multiple emails. As soon as they you’re finished with that part, you want to remove the Do Not Disturb tag. So it can be used by another automation. And then in so so far, what’s happened is we had a generic automation that people get put into it immediately. And then based on their behavior, in this case, if they click the link in the first email the other automation we put them in here, we pause effectively the first automation until they’re done with this.

Now the reason I bring up these do not disturb tags also is if you’re going to send out a campaign to your whole list. And you want to leave those people alone. You don’t want to disturb them when they’re in an automation, the first one or any other ones. You basically create a segment which says as long as they don’t have this tag, and they don’t have this other tag which are both Do Not Disturb tags, then great send them this campaign otherwise exclude them. And then the last thing to make this work because back here your trigger might be if they visit a particular page, maybe they visit a product page and you want to send them information about the product you would want to install tracking. So here the gear icon which is settings tracking, you’re going to want to install this tracking code onto your site. If you have WordPress you could probably use a WordPress plugin to implement it pretty easy. You also need to whitelist your domains and that’s it Active Campaign Choose Your Own Adventure automation.