ActiveCampaign Cancellation

by Dave | activecampaign

Active Campaign cancellation. We’re going to talk about using Active Campaign to control access to a membership site, even after somebody cancel the subscription, we’re going to allow them to have access to the end of their payment period. To do so, running the multiple automation, one that acknowledges the cancellation, one they call a loop to manual loop, that waits X amount of days. And let’s say a month, 30 days, and then a payment automation. So they work in sync to allow somebody who has cancelled to continue having access to their product, or subscription or membership even after they’ve canceled but up to the date where they would be renewed. So let’s dive right in.

Typically, a person would make a purchase, and we’re going to make the assumption that active campaigns controlling access to something typically would be like a membership site that uses learn dash and they’re using a plug in, like active member 360, Memberium for Active Campaign or WP fusion, something like that. And in this case, for the way we’ve done it before, where somebody if they cancel, they immediately get tags changed, they get rid of an active tag and they get an inactive tag applied. This removes access to them. On the flip side, if they were to make a payment, the inactive tag would get removed, and the active active tag would get added.

So these two work hand in hand and there they just happen immediately, as soon as a signal occurs. For instance, from the shopping carts that says hey, this person’s canceled, this automatically kicks in, now if we want to make it so that they continue to have access to their product for the remainder of the period, we have to do things a little bit differently. So when automation we have is again this cancellation automation has been changed. All it does is add a tag basically called inactive in this case 30 days it’s something different. Now what that does or let me back up a little bit.

In addition to when somebody makes a purchase. Initially they get put into this automation called cancel 30 days. So whenever someone makes a purchase that you put in here, they wait for 30 days and notice I break it up into increments of 10 days I just want to have some be able to eyeball it and see how many people are are in this automation and kind of where they are time wise. You can simply put 30 days and have that wait and that’s all you need to do I like to break it up and then after 30 days we go and check Do they have this inactive dash 30 days tag if they do remove this tag at this tag which should remind you of this the cancellation automation we had so they’re basically we’re basically doing the same thing in here in here but prior to that we waited for 30 days and we checked to see if that tag was applied.

If they don’t have that tag then don’t remove and add those tags simply skip over and in the automation, which means they made the payment they didn’t cancel and they made a payment. Now in addition to that if somebody does make a payment we want to do things a little bit different than we did here so this is removed the inactive tag add the active tag we still do that remove it the inactive add the active but we also remove the inactive 30 days tag and we in the automation the that 30 day cancel automation clean up the tags and then we put them right back in there so that’s why I call this kind of a manual loop every time the payments made they get pulled out of here and then they get put right back in. That’s how we use Active Campaign to handle subscription cancellations.