by Dave | activecampaign
Active Campaign And Or Segmentation.
In this video we’re going to talk about how to use the capability that Active Campaign provides for segmenting based on And or Or. Now I’ll be honest, this can be challenging and if you get one thing from this video, it should be this one slide right here and my recommendations are keep positive and negative logic separate from each other.
And which is an all condition is easier to understand than Or which is a one or more condition. Positive logic is easier to understand than negative logic negative logic has not and make sure you spot check your results when you set up a segmentation to make sure it makes sense.
Now negative logic the way you note that is it has not in it so for instance, all the things I show under all option actions, for instance, not enlist has not opened that’s negative logic and positive logic does not have not.
So we’re gonna dive in, go through some examples and work our way up to actually some useful ones. So you can understand why I’m suggesting what I do. Now, here’s the scenario, we’re just going to map out something where a person can have Temp A or Temp B tag, or both or none. And so I’ve printed all the scenarios there. And then we’re going to make some segments and see how they work.
So first one is simply does the temp A tag exist? Now in this scenario, there’s two people that meet that person three in person four.
Here’s one words, does the Temp B tag and yes, two people again, except they’re different. Person two has the Temp B tag person four does. Now it doesn’t matter what else they have. It’s Do they have this specific tag.
Now here’s negative logic, does not have. And again, two people except they’re the opposite people, the ones that have the Temp A tag, it’s person one, person two, do not have Temp A, here’s does not have Temp B and that would be person one and person three do not have that tag.
Now, here’s where we get into using And, or, Or in this case, it’s an which I think is easier to understand. What we’re looking for here is somebody or somebody’s that have both tags, both Temp A and Temp B and in this case, there’s only one person, person 4 that has that.
This is Or logic, it’s one or more. So we’re looking for somebody that has at least one of those tags, either Temp A or Temp B, or both and three of the four do, person two, three, and four have that condition.
Now, here is negative logic with And, so we’re looking for something that doesn’t have Temp A, and they don’t have Temp B. Well, there’s only one person that needs it. That’s person one, because everybody else either has one of those tags, or both of those tags.
Now, here’s the scenario I don’t recommend you do however it works, it just gets a little tricky. If there’s an alternative way to implement this, I would recommend it ad I’ll show you a scenario where this happens.
So we’re saying we want a person that does not have Temp A tag, or they don’t have Temp B tag. So three of the four people meet that situation or that requirement, Person A doesn’t have Temp A, person 2 actually person 1 wants to have Temp A, or Temp B. Person 2 doesn’t have Temp A and person 3 doesn’t have Temp B so they meet three requirements a little bit harder to follow that logic than using And.
Now, I do not recommend this, even though it totally works makes sense. Because you could have a more complicated segment requirement and you would have to break this and rebuild it. So why not just start right from the beginning. However, if we just read the logic here, it says, okay, you have to have Temp A, but you can’t have Temp B and there’s only one person that meets that and that’s person three.
Again, don’t do it like this. Do it like this, basically break it up into two chunks within a segment and you can do this in Active Campaign. Still, the same thing, still meets the same requirements they’re separate. If we were to add more requirements, we’re going to keep all the positive logic stuff together and all the negative logic stuff together. And guess what, here we go.
So we’ve got three different tags and I’ve added more people To show all scenarios, not that we have to go through every single person every single scenario, but in this case, we’re saying, you have to have all three tags. And guess what, there’s only one person that meets that requirement.
And the next one is Or, it’s one or many, the only person that doesn’t meet that requirement is person 1 because they that person doesn’t have any of those tags, but everyone else has at least one of those tags or more.
And then here’s And with negative logic, so we have to make sure every person meets all these requirements, they don’t have either a, b or c. And again, there’s only one person that does that and that’s person 1 in this case.
Again, don’t recommend this one, but it is possible to do it. So if you use an alternative way, I would recommend doing it.
So this is an Or scenario with negative logic, a person doesn’t have the Temp A tag, or they don’t have the Temp B. Or they don’t have the Temp C, that means they could have the Temp C tag, but not the Temp B tag. And the majority of the people meet this requirement only one person doesn’t. That’s person 8, who happens to have all of those tags.
So think about it. The alternative way to create this is to say somebody that has all three, that would be a yes, and everyone else is a no. And I’m going to show you how to use that shortly here.
Actually, here it is right here. So these two effectively do the exact same thing. They do it from a different logic perspective, and then a different layout in the automation. So if you look at the bottom left, that’s kind of the negative logic within Or that’s kind of the worst case, in my opinion.
And it basically says if they meet these requirements, put them down the yes path, and they will get an email. On the other hand, on the right, we’ve got the And with positive logic, which is much easier to understand if you meet the requirements, you still go down the yes path get guess what, you’re not the one getting the email, the people on the right hand side or the no path is what going to get the email.
Again, this, the results are identical in terms of who gets the email, the logic that was used to implement this is I’m gonna just say 180 degrees different, I find it much easier to understand the positive logic and the And logic on the right than on the left. Because on the right, we’re basically looking for one very specific conditions. However, on the left, it’s almost like a double negative does not exist, or this one doesn’t exist.
I’ll let you decide which one makes sense to you.
Now, let’s just go to another level, this is a real scenario, this is something people might want. And the way this reads is, we’ve got to two segments or two sections here in this segment, the one is the positive logic with an Or and the bottom is the negative logic with the And. And we’ve got 16 different combinations that you could possibly have.
Now, here’s where I’m going to start with I’m going to start with the bottom one because it has And which I find easier than Or and if I had to choose between positive and negative logic Or And Or I would start with the And Or then go to the positive negative choice.
So here’s what I’m going to do. We’re going to look at the conditions for just this one right here. It says, you have to have No for Temp C, and you cannot be on the list. We’re basically anyone that has No here and No here is a maybe.
And there it is. So there’s four people that are maybes, four conditions, if you will, that are maybes. And by extension, that means all the other options are No, they’re not possible.
So we’re basically down into four people that we then have to compare it to our top section to see if they meet. And what this says is this temp A exist or Temp B either one doesn’t matter. So the first one is a is a No. So we’re not putting no there. And guess what all the others Yes, because Yes, it has B Yes, this has A and Yes, this has A and B.
So that is the scenario or the logic that would be met based on this. So again, I’m going to suggest you keep positive and a negative logic apart, which I’ve done here. And is easier to understand than Or so start with this. Positive logic is easier to understand the negative logic because we are starting with this that kind of overrides this, but it was just a positive versus negative logic selection I would start with positive.
So that’s Active Campaign And Or Segmentation