How to use ActiveCampaign Snippets

by Dave | activecampaign

Campaign snippets. Snippets or something you can use in campaigns and Active Campaign and they’re useful for displaying something automatically. Got a use case where somebody wants to be able to call somebody but doesn’t really want to be asking for a phone number, So we’re going to show you how to do that in a subtle way using snippets, so let’s dive right in. Inside your Active Campaign account you can find this snippet thing a majiggy it’s called message variables under your campaign so if you find that little envelope go to message variables and you’ll see this and all bit all admit this is a little out of date, this is something Active Campaign I think could improve upon but it definitely works.

So you want to give it a name I’m going to say missing email, phone as I already have and I’m gonna do missing underscore phone and I’m going to apply it to all list and I find this a little bit tricky to work with. So if I go here and click on this, it doesn’t work. So I want to go to code editor. I’m going to go to text, place the mouse the cursor back in there, and then insert conditional content. Now this is where it gets a little bit tricky. So in this case, I only want to message somebody or display something if somebody does not have an email address. To do that, I selected phone number and I want to do greater than and I want to leave it blank. No other conditions leave it to all that’s the important part. Now it’s going to look a little ugly in here. And I’m going to make some changes anywhere where this little BR tag This is a kind of a line break. I’m just going to get rid of it.

So those are going goodbye, and I actually don’t want to display so the conditions are such that insert content here. If somebody has a phone number, I want that to be blank. So I’m just gonna leave it empty. Get rid of that, here is what I want to replace. So I want to replace something. They’re basically it’s going to be a link to a web form where somebody can provide their email address.

So let me show you how I’m going to do that. I’m going to create a form. It looks like I’ve already done that.
I’ve got this Are you ready to talk? provide a phone number will call you back shortly, of course, change the messaging fancy up the form a little bit. I’ve made both of these fields required email by default is required. Phone isn’t, what you want to do is take this box here, you would think of this is already ticked, it means it’s required. Nope. You have to have that tick there. So you want to put phone and then, let’s go to next step. What else was I gonna show you? Oh, showing the thank you page. Nothing fancy. I’m just showing this message of means, you know, we could probably change that.

Now we want to go to integrate, and I want to just grab the link. I just want to make it super easy for somebody just to click on that link and go there. So I’m going to replace this with I don’t want to speak to somebody. Now I’m gonna have to format this little with a link so watch what I’m doing. And then I’m going to put a question mark email equals and then percent capital email percent double quote close the greater than and at the very end do this. So this is going to be a hyperlink to that web form we just created and the nice thing is we’re going to pass in the context email address so they don’t have to, so all they have to do literally is type in their phone number submitted and then go the next thing will happen.

So I’m gonna go ahead and click on Add. I’m going to take this because I need to include that in my email. So here’s an email, I’m going to send, I mean really fancy, nothing big. So I’m gonna actually put another text block in here, and this is something you could just have in all your emails missed phone missing phone, if it’s important for you to have their phone number to have something like that. That’s what we had to do to for creating a snippet we’ve updated a campaign email we put this in there. Now we want to set up an automation that is triggered by a field change and I want to do this I’m going to look for phone whenever the phone changes ever. I really just want to do it once I could do it every time we’ve had to update it because the assumption is at this point somebody doesn’t have their phone number and now they’re going to update their contact records.

I’m gonna go ahead and do that. So this automation will fire based on that phone changing and then what we want to do is notify somebody. That’s it, So this automation will fire it will send to somebody and they should know that this person would like call and you know what, I’ve included a link to there or there should actually have that information but let’s just for sure for fun putting the phone number just to make it super easy in case somebody doesn’t want to leave this. So that’s active and then that’s it so it immediately notifies somebody that a person has updated their phone number and is interested in receiving a phone call. So let’s go ahead and test this out.

So I’m going to send an email, test email to myself so. So currently I do not have a phone number. So let’s just actually put one in. So just to verify that it does work, and not display that message. And 31 or 1130 looks like I just received an email. There’s nothing about the phone here. So now what I want to do, I want to update my record actually remove it, and this actually might trigger the automation. So that’s going to be a little problematic. I really want it to happen after I’ve added it. But in this case, I may trigger the automation that gets sends a notification, so let’s go ahead and send this test again.

Okay, I just received the next one, and this time I do have a link and if I click here this is already populated and then I can, and that will also trigger the automation to notify somebody to give me a call. That’s how you can use Active Campaign snippets.