Lesson 6 of 6
In Progress

6. Go Live


  1. Wistia account
  2. Email ActiveCampaign and / or Keap (Infusionsoft) account.


  1. Enable webhooks
  2. Generate token - Save your generated password to a file.
  3. Add webhook - After you configure your IntegrateProVideo account.


  1. ActiveCampaign - Save your API URL and key to a file.
  2. Infusionsoft - Save your account url and Encrypted Key to a file.


  1. Create tags in your email account, ideally one tag for each event per video.


  1. Account - Update, add your Wistia and email provider credentials (ActiveCampaign, Infusionsoft). Save the generated webhook url to a file. Go to Wistia and update your webhook url.
  2. Automation - Create or edit an automation that adds and / or removes a tag(s) in your email account based on how much of the Wistia video your subscriber watched.
  3. Email - Create a link to send your email subscriber to a page with a Wistia video that includes "wemail=[email_address_goes_here]" as part of the url.


  1. Send an email from your email system to you. Click the link to the video and watch. Check your email system to verify that the appropriate tag(s) were added to you. 💥